Thursday, December 24, 2009

If i dont wash my hair with shampoo, and only drench it with water...?

im a male with short hair, and i have wavy hair, and my style of hair is a fohawk, which is standing it up on my bangs, so i use a straightener...... but it gets to dry to style it when i wash it with shampoo, so what would happen if i didnt use shampoo when i showered and just wet it. would it get smelly?.... and since ur hair gets greasy when u dont wash it out, would it stay greasy if i just wet it?If i dont wash my hair with shampoo, and only drench it with water...?
Wash your hair dude, or it WILL smell bad and people will start standing further away from you.

Use gel to get it to stay in the style you want.If i dont wash my hair with shampoo, and only drench it with water...?
Yes, it would. Do you use conditioners after shampoos? Wetting down the hair will be clean your scalp properly, making it oily and smelly if not washed for a long time.

Try wearing a shower cap, or not wetting your hair at all when in the shower. Hair shouldn't be washed everyday anyway. Its not necessary. Moisture increases the natural curl in your hair so I wouldn't recommend wetting it since you'll be straightening it everyday. Shampoo your hair twice then condition it when you think its getting excessively oily.
well if u just use water it would give it a wet dog smell and eventually make it greasy, but try using some hair products that wont dry out your hair, the heat from the straightner is whats making it dry, theres plenty of products at stores or sallys beauty supplies that offer products to put in your hair before straightening and they have guy products aswell :D but good luck:)
yes eventually it would get smelly and greasy.. and yes it would stay greasy.. if you don't shampoo which has detergents in it, soap etc.. it will take on your bodies natural oils..

try diff gel or mousse. Get professional stuff that is usually a big factor..
just use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner so it wone make your hair so dry when you wash it. and yes, if you just wet it it will get greasy and smell.
Try using a shampoo with conditioner together for your type of hair.
i would just wash it at night and then in the morning just wet it down again

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