Thursday, December 24, 2009

Los Angeles county DWP water conservation...when can i wash my car?

On the site it only says that I can water my plants on Mondays and Thursdays. It also says that its illegal to wash your car without a nozzle to turn off the hose. It doesn't say anything about a certain day or time you can wash your car.

But I've been hearing that you can't wash your car at all, or that you can only wash it after 5pm. What's the deal? When can i wash my car?Los Angeles county DWP water conservation...when can i wash my car?
Well 鈥?I understand your problem. And it鈥檚 being faced by all Southern Californians. However, we need to understand that our fresh water levels have dropped alarmingly. Therefore, we all have to make a conscious effort to save water however we can. Avoid washing your car too often. In case it鈥檚 very important use grey water or rain water to wash it. At least this way you would not be wasting fresh water. The water shortage situation in California will only improve if we make a collective effort to save water. Here are some more tips on water conservation that might be helpful - .Los Angeles county DWP water conservation...when can i wash my car?
The problem is that they have not made it simple. First you have to determine if you live in the city or LA, the county of LA or an unincorporated county of LA, because the laws differ. You can do this in a Thomas guide. Areas in White are the city of LA, areas in yellow are unincorporated county of LA and the other colors are county of LA. If you live in the city of LA, we are in Phase 3 of the water conservation plan which allows you to wash your car at any time as long as there is a nozzle on the hose. If and when we move to phase 4, you will not be allowed to wash your car at all. In the county of LA and the unincorporated county you have to use a bucket to wash your car and only use a hose with a nozzle to rinse it. There are not certain days or hours. In the county and unincorporated county the fine is $ 100.00 for an infraction. I am not sure what the city of LA is charging. Hope this helps. You can find complete water info on the city and county of LA sites.

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