Probably best would be to go see a pedeatrician or skin doctor first, they would prescribe the best medicine. You could also go to the pharmacie and ask for a shampoo or medicine to get rid of ';shirami';(head lice) the medicine/shampoo is: スミスリンパウダーやスミスリンシャンプー(sumisu rin powder/ sumisu rin shampoo)
here is a web site to see what the product looks like:…
when using the shampoo, you wash the hair and leave 5 minutes, then rinse out. use the shampoo every 2 days.
problem is products publically available in pharmacies are not enough to get rid of the eggs, I strongly suggest you visit a doctor first.
If you're having any language problems, contact your local city hall or internation center, many will provide an interpreter fo free.
good luckWe live in Japan where laundry is washed in cold water and dried on a line. ?
try using something to kill them in the washing like dog flea shampoo
use olive oil or vasoline on the head of a night covered comb out in a.m and then wash hair
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